PRESGiving employee contributions continue to play a significant role in providing sanitation, hygiene resources and critical equipment in support of Presbyterian and our community through our COVID-19 Response Fund.
Recognizing the need for funding through the COVID-19 crisis, Presbyterian Healthcare Foundation (PHF) created the COVID-19 Response Fund, which supports healthcare workers, patients and families affected by the pandemic.

Working together with our donors, PHF has committed nearly two million dollars toward Presbyterian COVID-19 relief to the Central Delivery System and Regional Delivery System. Foundation dollars have been helpful in filling gaps for priority needs.
Through your help, the COVID-19 Response Fund has supported or will provide in the future:
41 ventilators (local portion not covered by FEMA).
$5,000 in PPE for Santa Fe Medical Center.
5 Albuquerque Ambulance mist disinfection units.
125 thermal imaging scanners.
$150,000 toward Presbyterian Hospital's negative pressure rooms project.
Presbyterian Hospital's shower/locker room/donning-doffing area.
150,000 meals and snacks for providers and staff.
26,000 employee masks.
60 UV countertop disinfectant devices.
140 shoe sanitizers
Telehealth equipment.
12 Albuquerque Ambulance transport ventilators.
2 CPR assist devices.
To learn more about the Heroes Campaign impact, click here.