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PRESGiving Gives Back Week: Nov. 15-18 & RED OUT Winners

A week dedicated to giving back to our employees. Plus, view last week’s RED OUT winners.

Next week, the PRESGiving team will be surprising random departments at Presbyterian Kaseman Hospital, Presbyterian Hospital, Rust Medical Center and PMG sites with special goodies and treats to say thanks to those who give back to our community through their donations to PRESGiving.

Presbyterian employees are integral to our community and to thank those who don’t work remotely, we are stopping by to brighten your day. Keep an eye out for our team on the following days:

· Monday, November 15 - Presbyterian Kaseman Hospital

· Tuesday, November 16 - Presbyterian Hospital

· Wednesday, November 17 - Presbyterian Hospital Rust Medical Center

· Thursday, November 18 - PMG Locations

RED OUT Winners Announced

Thank you to everyone who participated in Presbyterian Healthcare Foundation’s PRESGiving RED OUT on Monday, November 1! More than 400 employees visited the online pledge form that morning to confirm or make a gift. By doing so, they earned free giveaways anda chance to win raffle prizes. Raffle prize winners are listed below.

Alexa Echo Dot Bobbi Franco Amazon Firestick Amy Sellers Parker Blake’s Breakfast Burrito Gift Card Sandy Brown Christina Cabrales Andrea Chavez Danielle Greene Amanda Hausner Brian King Felicia Sanchez Vanessa Sandoval Gina Simmons

Starbucks Coffee Gift Card Jessica Baca

Janice Burwinkle

Andrew Gallegos

Cecilia Guillermo

Nanci Mascarenas

Maria Elena Montanez

Hope Moyers

Melinda Myers

Catherine Nicholson

Rhonda Warner FujiFilm Instax Camera

Margaret Joiner

Lenise Torres

Lawna Zlotkin

PRESGiving Face Masks Cindy Aguilar United Way Goodie Bag Jan Sole

To confirm or make a gift visit the online pledge form.

Questions? Contact Presbyterian Healthcare Foundation at 505-724-6576.


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